Cherry E-Bikes

Parts and Service Department


Toronto’s Premier Destination For E-Bike & E-Scooter Repairs

Looking for the ultimate destination for Ebike or Escooter repairs in Toronto? Look no further than Cherry Ebikes! With a reputation for expertise, speed, and reliability, we’re quickly becoming the prime choice for all your electric mobility needs.

At Cherry E-Bikes, we specialize in servicing all brands and styles of e-bikes and traditional bicycles. Whether you’re a commuter, a recreational rider, or a competitive cyclist, our team of expert technicians has the knowledge and expertise to keep your bike in top condition.

Our services include everything from flat tires and tune ups to custom builds and upgrades. We use only the highest quality parts and tools to ensure that your bike is performing at its best.

So why choose Cherry E-Bikes? Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is second to none. We take pride in our work and stand behind every repair and service we provide.

Get in touch with us at 1-877-949-1965 if you have any questions or need further help.

E-Bikes & Scooter Repair Services

Visit Cherry Ebikes and experience the difference for yourself. We’re not just a repair shop; we’re your partner in keeping your electric ride running smooth.

Battery Problems:

Reduced Range

Battery Won’t Charge

Sudden Power Cuts

Motor Issues:

Loss of Power

Unusual Noises

Motor Overheating

Controller Problems:

Inconsistent Performance

Error Codes

Throttle & Pedal Assist Problems:

Inconsistent Throttle Response

Pedal Assist Issues

Electrical & Wiring Problems:

Disconnected Cables

Short Circuits

Our Repair Process

We streamlined our repair and service process into 5 steps for all e-bikes and scooters. By following this 5 step process, Cherry Ebikes ensures a comprehensive assessment of your electric bike or scooter, along with expert recommendations and efficient repairs to get you back on track.

Step 1: Initial Inspection

Our expert technician begins by conducting a thorough visual inspection of your electric bike or scooter. They examine all major components, including the motor, battery, controller, and electrical wiring, looking for any obvious signs of damage or malfunction.

Step 2: Diagnostic Testing

Next, we utilize advanced diagnostic tools and equipment to perform comprehensive testing on each component. This step involves running diagnostic software, conducting voltage tests, and checking for any error codes to identify the specific issue affecting your vehicle.

Step 3: Component Analysis

Once the diagnostic tests are complete, our technician analyzes the data gathered to pinpoint the source of the problem. Whether it’s a faulty motor, a depleted battery, a malfunctioning controller, or a wiring issue, we leave no stone unturned in identifying the root cause of the issue.

Step 4: Consultation and Recommendation

After identifying the problem, we take the time to discuss our findings with you. Our technician will explain the issue in detail, along with the proposed solution and any necessary repairs or replacements needed to get your bike or scooter back in working order.

Step 5: Necessary Work and Completion

Finally, with your approval, we proceed to perform any necessary work to resolve the issue. The $120 assessment fee covers the complete diagnosis and includes one full hour of labour. Most jobs are completed within this timeframe, and any additional parts required for repairs are charged separately. Our goal is to efficiently address the problem and have you back on the road enjoying your ride in no time.

How Often Should I Get My Cherry E-Bike Serviced?

We recommend you get your E-Bike serviced once or twice a year to avoid any problems before they happen and to keep it running at peak performance. If you take care of the bike in terms maintain the belt and keep the brake pads in good shape you’ll avoid a lot of problems.

When you get your E-Bike thoroughly examined for mechanical issues you’ll also get any new firmware updates, like updating your phone but done by a professional. They’ll ensure that any faults in the system and all the components are working effectively together. Most times they’re only minor upgrades to avoid major problems.

Pre-Ride Checks

Before you hop on your Cherry E-Bike, a pre-ride check will ensure a fun and safe ride.

A mechanical and electrical check is very important. A mechanical check will include tire pressure and suspension settings if you’re going off road. Remember that under inflated tires will limit the range of your bike. Oh and making sure your ride is fully charged is also a good idea.

Longer Battery Life

There are ways to improve the life and range of your E-Bike’s battery. Things like your tires being correctly inflated and ensuring your brakes aren’t rubbing.

One important factor is knowing your route. If you’re planning a day out with lots of good hills, don’t hit them all in full electric mode.  Save some power for the end when you may need it most.

Of course if you just want to go for a full power ride you won’t go as far, but it’ll still be plenty of fun. Remember your lithium-ion battery likes to be charged so avoid running it out till its dead.

We recommend if only use one bar of battery power, put it on charge. You’ll increase its life of if you charge it often.

What If Your Bike Has An Electrical Fault?

If your bike has an electrical fault, don’t disassemble your battery or drive system. You will void your warranty and cause more damage, or worse get a bad shock.

Either bring it to our repair facility or we’ll come to you with our mobile technicians. They’ve got the tools and expertise to check the electrical components and get you back on the road. It’s not something you should do at home or on the road.

You also may see error codes on your E-Bike’s display that our technicians will interpret and find a solution. Whether it’s a general system error code or something specific, let our team find out what the problem is and fix it.

They’ll also look if it was caused by a mechanical issue. That’s what they’re trained to troubleshoot. They look at your bike as a whole and find a solution, At home, you’ll just make the problem worse.

Storing Your E-Bike After Your Ride

When you store your Cherry E-Bike, you should always keep it clean, dry, and fully charged ready for the next ride. Also when cleaning give it a close look to see if there’s any damage. If you take a few minutes to do this, then it’s a worry-free ride the next day.

If you’re storing your bike in a secure location like your home you don’t have to remove the battery so you can charge it on the bike.

Never store your Cherry E-Bike somewhere damp or humid. It can cause corrosion to the electrical parts, which can cause big problems in time. So keep it dry.

Also don’t cover the charger or battery with anything. Make sure you’ve got lots of free space around it when it’s charging. Also don’t let the battery run down completely and leave it that way.

Caring For The Belt

Most E-bikes use a carbon belt rather than a conventional chain. This cuts down on maintenance, as there’s no re-tensioning or lubrication needed. You can clean it with water and a soft brush. Remember, the belt system is delicate, so be careful not to damage the carbon fiber cords in the belt.

When you out your bike into your car, don’t twist the belt or rest anything on it. Also beware of snow, ice and mud. The pully teeth can get clogged, and the belt may be pushed off. So fair weather riding is recommended but if you must ride in the rain or mud make sure you check your belt and keep it clean after your run. If you crash, and we hope you don’t, check the belt for damage.

DOs and DON’Ts

DON’T poke anything into the terminals of the battery to avoid a nasty shock. Just make sure the terminals are clean. DO clean your bike and it’s a good idea to take the battery out first.

DON’T spray any lubricant into the wire ports. DO treat the cables with care.

DON’T force them into the components. DO use a proper wire tool.

DON’T try to get into the motor or the battery. DO make sure the bolts mounted to the frame are tight. DO remember there is a torque setting from the manufacturer.

DON’T point a high-pressure hose directly at the electrical components when you’re cleaning your Cherry E-Bike. DO keep them tidy and use one cloth to clean and another to dry.

If you have any other questions or concerns DO talk to a Cherry technician. That’s always good advice!